Tag Archives: marketing

The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21

Sheila met Jim Mockford at a Willamette Writers’ virtual coffee morning, and was fascinated by all the ways he was planning to advertise his book, so she and Jean invited him to speak to us and were delighted when he accepted. We were even more delighted when he joined our group as a new member a few months back!

Continue reading The Story of a Bilingual Picture Book in a Time of Covid, from Jim Mockford’s talk, 02/21/21

Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102

Writers’ Mill Minutes Feb 21st 2021

We tried out a new Zoom meeting format this month, with a ten-minute snack-and-get-to-know-you break in the middle, to emulate those delicious snack breaks we used to have in real life. Matthew reminded us that this was the one-year anniversary of our last real-world meeting, so a good date for reinstituting snacks. Also we have lots of knew people who we’d love to get to know. In fact, we had so many members at the meeting, there were too many for a single Zoom screen for while! A great achievement, and we hope you all enjoyed the meeting.

Continue reading Writers’ Mill Minutes 202102

Graphic Novels, Inspiration, Creation, Publication and Marketing with Erik Nebel, August 2020

Did you miss the talk? You missed a fantastic presentation from Erik Nebel, but now you can watch it again in the comfort of your living room. Just go to https://wccls.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1251989147_cedarmill_markr/1707540549_local_cartoonist_erik_nebel and find a links to the video, and to all Erik’s books, including the beautiful Well Come.

Continue reading Graphic Novels, Inspiration, Creation, Publication and Marketing with Erik Nebel, August 2020

Itty Bitty Writing Space, anthologies, queries, promotion: Jason Brick July 2019

How Jason Brick Got Started:

He is a martial artist and ended up writing a piece for a premier martial arts magazine. Admittedly, he will write for anyone within pretty much any venue, but Jason has a special enthusiasm and natural affinity for martial arts, since he himself is a martial arts specialist and he has two sons who are also involved in martial arts. He told me prior to the start of our meeting that he traveled to Malaysia in 2016 to write a piece for a travel magazine, but also so he and his sons would have the unique opportunity of visiting a country with a completely different lifestyle and culture very different from living here in the United States. He said it was an amazing experience for him and his sons, one which he will always treasure, plus he got paid to be there! Continue reading Itty Bitty Writing Space, anthologies, queries, promotion: Jason Brick July 2019

This month’s interesting links

February contest deadlines: https://mastersreview.com/february-deadlines-14-contests-and-lit-mags-with-deadlines-this-month/

Plus lots more deadlines in this free download. If you’re writing short pieces, you really should get this: https://mastersreview.com/free-download-literary-calendar-jan-june/

All about ISBNs http://blog.bookbaby.com/2016/01/book-isbn-answers-to-frequently-asked-questions/

How to write a picture book. This is wonderful – just read it, even if you don’t want to write one: http://www.buzzfeed.com/macbarnett/how-to-write-a-picture-book-i066#.ecqKzERxn

Prose poetry? Poetic prose? Find out more https://madmimi.com/s/18f647?o=tm

You’ve written the book. Why is no one reading it? http://us6.campaign-archive1.com/?u=1d3577f0f5a155c4813f5ff47&id=530b5d9c2c&e=a3918d2369 or for some serious thought-provoking suggestions http://www.macgregorliterary.com/blog/what-does-a-writer-need-to-know-about-marketing/

Want to avoid some blogging mistakes? http://www.writersonthemove.com/2014/06/4-major-mistakes-to-avoid-when-writing.html

become a successful blogger http://thewritelife.com/how-to-be-a-successful-blogger/

or are you still wondering why you’d want to blog? http://buildbookbuzz.com/how-to-blog-your-way-to-discoverability/

Interested in copy editing? Be sure to read down the page for useful advice – it’s not just an ad for the course. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=edd09410-d4ff-4ad1-ab2a-29ad8b015a43&c=6551b3e0-156d-11e5-acb5-d4ae52724810&ch=655a3f60-156d-11e5-acb5-d4ae52724810

Is your manuscript too long… too wordy…? https://lewiseditorial.wordpress.com/2016/02/04/10-tips-for-trimming-a-lengthy-manuscript/

Are there any song lyrics in your manuscript? http://indigoseapressblog.com/2016/01/20/using-copyrighted-song-lyrics-by-christine-husom/

Using all your senses: http://blog.bookbaby.com/2016/01/use-all-five-senses-to-enrich-your-writing/

Some marketing links

Again, more old links as we clean up the site:

Need more book reviews?


Deadlines and marketing:


Yes you can:




Query Letters and Book Blurbs:




Book videos:


When to market


Book promotion, Social Media & Marketing:












Some interesting writing links

(Self) Publishing trends – find out more about almost everything here: http://www.writtenwordmedia.com/2016/01/25/10-trends-publishing-indie-author-needs-know/

Are you making excuses not to write? http://blog.bookbaby.com/2016/01/stop-making-excuses-and-write-a-book/

How to write that enticing book blurb: http://blog.bookbaby.com/2016/01/writing-a-book-description-that-isnt-a-bore/   http://blog.bookbaby.com/2015/11/focus-on-your-books-back-cover/

Worried about writing and taxes? http://formswift.com/independent-contractor-guide

Can you market online?  http://learnhowtowriteanovel.com/blog/2016/01/05/9-time-saving-tips-for-social-medi/

Were you in the journal? Claim your Amazon author page:  https://authorcentral.amazon.com/gp/home

Want to enter a  FREE poetry contest? https://winningwriters.com/our-contests/wergle-flomp-humor-poetry-contest-free

Willamette Writers members can submit FREE to the Timberline Review: http://timberlinereview.com/

Lots of good tools, including a reverse dictionary: http://storyfix.com/the-finest-digital-tools-that-turn-you-into-a-better-writer

Diagram your way to a better sentence: http://parts-of-speech.info/


Press Release Example, from Nancy Woods

Nancy Woods visited the Writers’ Mill in February with members of the Woodshop Writers. She is an author and writing instructor in Portland, and she gave us the following Press Release Example as part of her talk. If you’re planning any book readings, this will be invaluable. Thank you Nancy!

Continue reading Press Release Example, from Nancy Woods